Secret method to attract Any Man

Kamis, 29 Januari 2015


My friend Dean often tells his male students that one of the most attractive qualities a guy can possess—and display to women—is PASSION. There is a difference between your hobbies and interests, and the things in your life that truly inspire you. By mentioning things you are passionate about, you set yourself apart from the average person, whose lives are a monotonous routine. Nothing really gets them excited. Obviously, it isn’t particularly enjoyable to be around these kinds of people. So during the conversation, you can find ways to get him to express his own passions (which are things men LOVE to talk about), and then express some passions of your own. Here’s an example of something fun you could say, to get him talking about his passions:

“The other day, the craziest thing happened. My friend Sarah bought a ticket for the Powerball lottery—the jackpot was like $100 million—and when they announced the winning number, her number was off by only one digit. The very last digit! For a few seconds she thought she was actually going to win all that money. So we got to talking afterwards about what we would do if we won the Powerball…what do you think? How would you spend your days if you had a hundred million bucks and never needed to work another day in your life?” If he answers with a joke (as guys often will), 
share what it is YOU would do if you won the lottery. Have something interesting to say. Would you buy an apartment in Paris and take up painting? Would you move to an island in the Caribbean and write a novel? Would you start a charitable foundation? Your answer will prompt him to “get real” and talk about how he really would spend his time, if money was no longer a concern. In a moment, we’ll give you a whole list of other questions you can ask to keep him sharing with you, and having fun with the conversation. But first, let’s look at the things that you should definitely not talk about during this early stage.

Inspired from Penguin Method “ women guidance to find thelove of their life

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